Projector, it’s time to start running your business your way...

Personalized Coaching for Projectors in Business

You're not your typical business owner; you're a Projector, and you've already embarked on a journey of self-discovery through Human Design. You delved into self-study, received a reading or two and gained a profound understanding that your energy operates uniquely in this world.

Now the question is –  how can you apply this knowledge in a practical way, to step into success while feeling nourished and supported by your unique energy blueprint? How can you run your business with ease and say goodbye to bitterness and burn-out?  Let's find out!

The Key to unique and aligned business expansion lies in your unique Human Design

Activate your Projector Magnetism to effortlessly draw in more clients, without the need for extra effort.

Get clarity on amplifying your unique strengths and gifts and utilize these in your business. 

Transform limited beliefs that have been holding you back to expand in your business.

Market your business in a creative and authentic way, without feeling overwhelmed or losing your energy.

Work in alignment with your design, creating a schedule and setup that nourishes you instead of depletes you.

Effectively apply your Projector design
to every facet of your business - niche, marketing, your offers, team etc,. Unlocking your Projector Magic.


schedule your free connection call →
schedule your connection call →

For Human Design Projectors, feeling truly seen and understood is a non-negotiable. You're already equipped with an abundance of wisdom; what you need now is the right support to help you unleash it within your business. You've had your fill of endless comparisons and being a misfit in Generator masterminds.
What you're yearning for is to align your business with the energy that's uniquely yours as a Projector.
You want the feeling of a *partner* in your business and you want absolutely everything customized for you — every idea, every channeling, every  strategy — and you want it with someone who you feel gets you and your way of doing business. 

Essentially, you seek to leverage my expertise and experience, infusing it into your unique perspective to achieve remarkable, sustainable results that leave you in awe. 

Projector in Business Coaching

introducing you to :

Because every Projector and every business is unique,
this is not a “one size fits all” offering. Whether you're an established business or just starting out, this journey is fully customizable, according to your topics and your unique Projector Design.

We will start with an audit of your business making the first steps to bring cohesion with your design. We delve deeper than ever before, approaching your Human Design from unique angles discover your unique gifts, talents, strengths, and conditioning blocks to work with.

With your design information, we'll craft personalized strategies that work for you and for your business, that matches your energy and highlights your gifts, so you can thrive with purpose and passion and ultimately attracting your dream clients.

Together we will dive into the energetic blocks that you might experience in your business. Our deep dive will identify their core focus areas, and we'll transform this energy, directing it toward the right opportunities. Additionally, we'll determine your optimal working environment and schedule so you will feel nourished by your business.

We'll explore magnetic content strategies and determine necessary changes in your sales and marketing to match your energy type. We will look at different types of content that create interest and intrigue in your work and take practical action steps to move forward.

You'll be provided with a personalized Projector Entrepreneur Road-Map. This road-map will highlight your strengths and gifts, brings focus and gives you clarity around communication and marketing. Think of it as your reliable anchor, a point to turn to whenever doubt or fear arises and you need a reminder of your Projector Magic. 

Let's boost your confidence in marketing and sales by unlocking your magnetic energy, so you can effortlessly attract clients even while at rest or having fun.


I'm so excited to start this journey with you! Let's expand your potential, feel supported every step of the way and move forward with confidence. We'll celebrate your success along the way as you embody your unique gifts and energy to welcome success.


After our Connection Call you will have clarity about receiving 1:1 Projector guidance from me and you can schedule your first session to get started.


Take the first step towards fulfilling business expansion - you are invited to book a call with me today! Together, we'll explore how I can support you with your business as Projector with personalized guidance.









schedule your free connection call >

Annelies - 2/5 Splenic Projector
Human Design Coaching & Child Education

"Meeting Nadine was powerful and of way more valuable than I anticipated. A new chapter has emerged. The foundations of my company are now built upon who I am, and they are steady. Figuring out what it means to be an embodied Projector myself has been the biggest shift. Everything else that I needed for my business followed, with ease. I feel free and in tune with what the Universe is putting in front of me, because discerning Self from Not-Self is easier since. Thus I continue on my path, with a trusty smile upon my face."

The foundations of my BUSINESS are now built upon who I am, and they are steady.

Emma - 3/5 Emotional Projector
Practical Human Design Guide

"I knew as a projector I needed a little help seeing myself and the gifts I have to offer this world. After following Nadine for 6 months or so my authority said yes and I finally took the dive. It is the best money I have probably spent in my life. Not only did Nadine give me some wide ranging and deep insights but she saw me where I was exactly now and what I needed to move through in my life to get me closer to where I desired to be. This wasn't necessarily even a "business issue" but she took the time to answer my questions and share her insights and I know that me learning this lesson will be such a great tool added to my own tool belt. In life and in business. So much to digest from our session. Thank you for seeing me deeply and empowering me with your encouragement and insights. You have helped me see how beautiful my design truly is and that is a very precious gift.

You have helped me see how beautiful my design truly is and that is a very precious gift.

Doreen - 3/5 Splenic Projector

"After our session I feel a great deal of trust. Since then, I haven't had the fear of missing out on opportunities when I raise my price or say "no" to something that doesn't feel right. And I have the confidence that I am always planting seeds in the things I do, even though not all of that is visible yet. That is by far the best gift I could receive from our session! It was extremely valuable to me."

I haven't had the fear of missing out on opportunities anymore

Bram - 5/1 Reflector
Rehabilitation Therapist

"During our time together, I learned a lot about myself at work and in my personal life. Furthermore, I have learned to trust my qualities  and experience peace in my work. You were always able to pinpoint my pitfalls and to provide me with insight into what is needed as well as what is not needed. The work we did together helped me grow as a business and as a person.
My business has been able to expand, and I've finally been able to get the clarity I was seeking. This was absolutely worth every investment for me."


Louise- 6/2 Emotional Projector
Yoga Teacher

"I very highly recommend working with Nadine and I can say with confidence and gratitude that it was life-changing for me. Understanding your unique Human Design can really enhance and/or change how you show up in the world for yourself and others. Nadine is a wonderful and intuitive mentor and you will be in competent hands working with her."


Monique- 5/1 Emotional Projector

"When I found your website I felt that I had to message you – and my intuition was right. I felt seen in your presence and the sessions were real eye openers for me. I love how you take the time to explain things and after our conversations I felt so much lighter, heard and calmer.
It gives me confirmation and the confidence to be myself, which I have never experienced before.”

It brought me the confirmation and the confidence to be myself

Timeline: 12 weeks

YOUR Investment: €2400
or 3x €800

As your personal Business Advisor, you will get my fresh Projector eyes on your business, receive practical tools and intuitive insights.
This will support you to thrive in success, to feel freedom in your creative (marketing) expression and to have a strong business foundation that you can trust. Because I naturally see the endless potentials and always hold you and your business in your highest vision, you will feel supported to expand.

1x kick-off call of 90 min in which you will receive your BG5 reading
(HD in business) and we'll make an outline for the focus in our journey together
5 Intensive 45-minute 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom with optional recordings
In-depth Human Design/BG5 Foundation Reading 
Projector in Business Road-Map - personalized rapport
-NEI support (Neuro Emotional Integration) to remove blocks and limited beliefs
-Website, Social Media, and content audit
to optimize your online presence
-Direct access to me as helpline and support
per email / Telegram one day per week
Practical tools and customized homework
to embody your Projector Energy Type 

working together

what you will receive 

schedule your free connection call →

Let's get started!

Nadine is a business advisor and empowerment coach for Projector entrepreneurs who are ready to run their business in alignment with their energy while doing the work they love to do most. She works with coaches, healers, personal development experts, product-based businesses, change-makers, artists and all kinds of business owners.

After quitting her full-time tourism job to serve the world in a heart-led way, she turned into a certified Transformational Breath Coach.
This led to guiding breath workshops in more than different 10 countries and hosting international ecstatic dance events that sold out every year, before she started her own coaching company after several invitations.

Today Nadine combines heart and passion with Human Design for business, authentic marketing and mindset that has helped her clients accelerate and thrive in their own soul-led business. She’s passionate about helping more Projector entrepreneurs who have decided to make a living from their gifts and purpose to thrive while also achieving the true energy, time, and lifestyle freedom they hold as values.

Nadine is a global citizen who currently lives on the island of Aphrodite - Cyprus together with her Danish Vikinig. In addition to running her online business, she indulges her passions for ecstatic dance, personal growth, photography, nature walks and meeting community.

Hey, I'm Nadine.

Nadine - 5/1 Splenic Projector