Human Design in Business


What if you could unlock your business potential and embody your unique Human Design for Success...
To embrace your Projector gifts and operate in alignment with your Human Design, to emphasize your magnetic energy and nourish yourself doing what you love. To let yourself be supported by the right working environment and possible collaborations and bringing awareness around your pitfalls to turn them into unique selling points. 

Ready to embody your unique Projector design
and do business your 
unique way?

Experience empowerment in yourself and in your business  so you can show up as yourself with confidence.

Manage the challenges in business without overwhelm and get clarity in the next practical steps to take. 

Move away from the trap of comparison towards your uniqueness.

Having a strong anchor that guides you through every business choice, ensuring that you stay true to your unique design. 


yes, this is for me! →
yes, this is for me! →

This is for you, if you are ready to be who you came here to be. Let’s reveal your hidden potential and emphasize your beauty, through receiving insight, clarity and support of your own unique Projector Design in business.

Projector Entrepreneur by Design

Monique (the Netherlands)
5/1 Emotional Projector

"When I found your website I felt that I had to message you – and my intuition was right. I felt seen in your presence and the conversations were real eye openers for me. I love how you take the time to explain things and after our conversations I felt so much lighter, heard and calmer. It gives me confirmation and the confidence to be myself, which I have never experienced before.”

I felt seen in your presence, this journey was a real eye opener for me.

Doreen (Belgium)
3/5 Splenic Projector

"After our session I feel a great deal of  trust. Since then, I haven't had the fear of missing out on opportunities when I raise my price or say "no" to something that doesn't feel right. And I have the confidence that I am always planting seeds in the things I do, even though not all of that is visible yet. That is by far the best gift I could receive from our session! It was extremely valuable to me."

I haven't had the fear of missing out on opportunities 

Irina - Ukraine

"It was like talking to someone who knows, understands and accepts you without criticizing.
I felt like I got permission to be myself and let my inner voice guide me through life. I wish everyone has this knowledge about themselves. Nadine is professional and a gentle guide and I highly recommend this journey with her.


Marjani - USA

"Nadine holds a gentle space for deep self exploration through the Human Design system.
This journey has helped me understand how I operate in the world as a part of the whole with compassion and celebration for both my shadow and my light.

gentle space for deep self exploration

Our 1:1 session will take place through Zoom and will be recorded for you. Questions are welcome. After our session you will have a  deep understanding of your design in business plus practical tools to start following your road map to success.


Your birth details are important, to be written on the booking form.
You don’t need to prepare anything, just make yourself comfortable and keep a notebook for inspiration in the moment..


Schedule your session through the online calendar and fill out the optional questions to deepen your customized session.
After your payment, you will receive an email confirmation and zoom invitation.



book your session here →

duration: 90 minutes

Investment: €240

+ Projector Type in Business 
+ Strategy & Authority Empowerment
+ Profile Lines & Marketing
+ (Work) Environment
+ 9 Center Exploration
+ Channels & Quality activation in your design
+ Life's Work & Purpose

This session will give you a deep understanding of your design, unique gifts, energy, purpose as well as practical tools to thrive in your career / business as Human Design Projector.

the details:

Human Design found me on my 25th birthday on a tropical beach in Thailand almost 10 years ago. I can honestly say it’s been one of the greatest gifts of my life. Learning about my design for the past 10 years has brought me a sense of relief and supported me in letting go of who I thought I should be and how  I should run my business.
It gave me the map back to myself and made a huge impact on my personal and business development, especially during my in-depth studies as BG5 consultant (Human Design in Business).

As a Projector type in Human Design, I am here to see and guide others.
With my practical, clear and intuitive approach,
I will guide you through understanding your own unique Projector design. A gift that will support you and your business for the rest of your life. It’s my mission to empower Projectors in business, so we can all thrive while doing what we love.

My Design :
5/1 Splenic Projector